15 November 2005

I really need your help!

I really need feedback on what I should write in this here blog. I'd like for it to be universally stimulating, but I can't make it that way unless I know what everyone wants. Ok? If I write about stuff you hate, how am I supposed to know you hate it? Let me know! In fact, comment on this post and choose the following categories you'd like me to post on in the future. Thanks!

Pop culture (music, popular sports, in general life today)
And any other category you'd like me to include. I'm sure I forgot something, as this is quite a short post. But if you want me to write about anything and I mean anything, just let me know! I love to know what people think. Comment on any post you want and ask me if I could do more of that type of post or never do that type of post again. I'm counting on you guys! Thanks.


Tom Khazoyan said...


[I'm Caleb's dad. I'll show him the link so he can weigh-in as well.]

My theory of blogs is that they are a place to express yourself, not worrying so much about what topics others want to discuss. The blogs that are most interesting to me are the ones that reflect the odd interests and points of view of the individual blogger, rather than trying to make it a group blog.

Your blog is plenty interesting and full of your thoughts. Which is cool.

My advice is to write about what is on your mind and let your readers respond as they'd like.

Have fun.

Lindsey said...

I never know what I'm going to post on either! Right now I'm doing Calvnism, though- so that is keeping me busy for a while! Most of the time, I just pray and ask God to show me what to post. I post on what thoughts are running through my head at the time. For instance, evangelism, devotions, etc. good luck!

Lydia said...

Thanks Lindsey. I think that Calvinism is somewhat deep for me. I might do nihilism or hedonism in one of my future posts. I decided to blend everything together and not really worry about series or continuity. Thanks though and i will keep your idea in mind.

jacob.thrasher said...

Wow, all the options you gave sound good to me! You don't have to pin yourself down to one topic... if I had to choose one though, I like the idea of apologetics.