24 October 2005

First post

No matter where this post shows up in my blog, it's my first one. We just got DSL, and I'm really excited about it. It makes it easier to use this site, so that's what I plan to do. I think in this blog I'll do stuff like review movies and music and stuff. I always thought that would be rather fun, and I didn't get into journalism class this year. I'm taking art instead! I can't say I'm disappointed about that; art is one of my favorite subjects.
But since I'm not in journalism class, I would like to also review the latest news and who's blaming who. Please be aware that I take a conservative standpoint on almost all of today's issues. I'm tired of liberal news that just doesn't look at both sides of the story. But I digress.
Anyhow, I'll try to post something in here at least every two or three days. THere are a lot of big news stories floating around right now, and I'm hoping that critiquing them will help me understand them at least a little!

But for now, adieu. I will hopefully put an important article here sometime soon.

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